Kung Fu Hustle: From Cinema Championship To Pigment Brand

China View brings news of enterprising Chinese companies that are cashing inward on the popularity of local celluloid titles past times registering them equally merchandise marks for their ain products. Thus local painting exhibit household hitting "Kung Fu Hustle" has been purloined equally a build lift for pigment in addition to (ironically) "A World Without Thieves" has been stolen for purpose past times a Beijing applied scientific discipline company. Local legal proficient Li Mingzu says that, piece the films are copyright-protected, electrical current laws don't protect their names from beingness used.
"According to verdicts of past times cases, the purpose of a celluloid lift equally a build doesn't violate intellectual belongings laws. And celluloid titles won't endure protected past times intellectual belongings correct laws."
However, Li Guoming, secretary-general of the Red People's Republic of China Filmmaker Association, says film-makers tin protect their ain rights improve if they build goodness purpose of the added value of their works. He suggests Chinese film-makers attempt to accept their films published overseas or purpose celluloid names for toy, costume in addition to fifty-fifty software brands.

sympathises alongside the film-makers in addition to wonders whether Chinese merchandise score police line possesses a concept of bad faith that powerfulness invalidate such unwanted reputations. Merpel wonders virtually the marketplace potential for "Kung Fu Hustle" -- the fact that a build lift similar that powerfulness sell pigment inward Red People's Republic of China is in all probability quite indicative of the dissimilar trend inward which consumers inward that province reply to build names (imagine buying "The Terminator" pigment inward England).

More on pigment names here, here and here


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